Part 10: Chapter 2, Level 3

"It's clear that the citizens of New Town have a couple of severe problems... they are overfed and they are anal-expulsives. The combination is going to be lethal... for them. From the smell, their pipes could use a good cleaning. That's you, immortal demigod and living high-colonic. It is clearly Gideon's fault that you have fallen to this level. Ankle-deep in feces, as it were. Hmmm. You can add it to his bill and take it out in chunks."
Wait... sewer level again? What the fuck, game, we did this alre- oh it's over.
As much as I'm harping on sewer levels, the only real downside to them is how quickly the game gives up and throws me into them. They manage to avoid the typical sewer level quirks both times by being quick and to the point and having some actual color to them, and while there is the requisite percentage of shitwater, only one of the two forces you to wade through it, and even then only for thirty seconds. If anything, the only problems with this level are the problems that are inherent to the game at this point: overuse of Fanatics in bullshit locations and a refusal to give me anything more than a single medkit and maybe a hidden Life Seed to sustain myself.
The Weapons

Voodoo Doll
A magical weapon returning from the first game, the Voodoo Doll works essentially the same as it did before, damaging the nearest enemy it's aimed at, and instead damaging the player if no enemies are in front of you. Like in the first game, the damage dealt depends on where the animation decides to have you stab the doll, though secondary effects beyond increased damage for hits to the head are probably not applicable against enemies in singleplayer. Uses Focus, the maximum amount of which is determined by the character's intelligence, and is generally on a sliding scale from strength; Caleb only gets the bare minimum of 100 Focus. Primary fire uses 5 Focus at once to stab the doll in a random area, secondary spending 100 Focus on the target at once.
Yes, this was technically from the end of Chapter 1, but things were so hectic during the boss fight that I simply didn't have time or the presence of mind to show it off for that (and it wasn't that good for the situation anyway). Not showing it off in the previous level, though, that's all on me.